and harlan crow and harlan crow refusing to as he is politely requested, everything, all of the money that harlan crow has spent on clarence thomas will get the senator s latest attempt to get that information. he has been leading to charge on that, it way that was so critical given the utter silence honors so i m eager there s a tweet i want to redo, this is from feisty granny, which is a handle that i think will probably be available to you 40 years from now when you might want to use it. she says i never have doubts that this was not his first time dealing with negotiations. he knows what he s doing, i ignored all of the breathless reporting, knowing that it would be okay. she is, of course, talking about president biden s handling of the debt ceiling negotiations. feisty granny is just much cooler than i am about this, i was worried for months and weeks but it turns out the guesswork thing that i offered to the audience last week turned out to be pretty much what
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the justices decisional independents. a new york times editorial entitled, who can rein in the supreme court notes, the mechanism of government is expressly designed for each branch to check the power of the others, in recent years however, congress has failed to live up to its coequal status in the federal government avoiding even a mild confrontation with the supreme court. the question is not whether congress has the power to act, but what a meaningful ethics regime should look like. joining us now is democrat democratic senator sheldon whitehouse of rhode island, he s a member of the senate judiciary committee, senate finance committee, and chair of the senate budget committee. senator, thank you for joining us once again on this crusade of yours that used to be lonely and now has much more company and much more interest, and certainly millions of people in this audience hanging on your every word about it. so, this is round two. you just another letter to harlan crow s lawyers whi
no role in how a roll established by congress, and administered by a body created by congress is actually administered, it really just doesn t pass the last test. and your question to them is not just limited to clarence thomas, it could be that there are other dealings like that that he has had with possibly other supreme court justices. yeah, i think we need to get a handle on exactly what is going on up at the supreme court so that it is clear who is taking huge undisclosed gifts from people who have interest involving the court and we are going to continue to do that. these letters we have received back from harlan crow s lawyer, to a lawyer they re like putting saying investigate me. so, if the purpose was to
supreme court or their relatives. lawyers for harlan crow have so far refused that requires arguing that it violates a basic separation of powers principles, and is effectively moot because congress lacks the constitutional power to impose ethics rules and standards on the supreme court. senators whitehouse and durbin responded, this assertion likely comes as a surprise to the supreme court justices themselves, who have complied with many such laws for decades. examples include the ethics in government act, the federal gift statute. and the federal recusal statute. congress can act and will continue to enact ethics legislation that apply supreme court justices and congress has shown it can do so without imposing any risk to