one item that made the cut restarting those student loan payments. if they just keep coming back to haunt. does all have all you need to know about the pause ending, and the long term impact that borrowers having to cough up the money again. plus, its pride month and we re talking to chasten buttigieg, his new book i have something to tell you about young of. outside the right-wing campaign to ban lgbtq books and schools and libraries. i m symone d. sanders townsend, and i have something to say. now that the president has signed the debt ceiling bill into law, it s becoming clear just what s in it. and today democrats and republicans are defending how they voted on the bill. now the bill is a far cry from the 843 billion dollars in non-defense discretionary spending initially proposed in the presidents 2024 budget. the steel cap spending at 704 billion dollars. according to the congressional budget office. and now here s an exchange for raising the debt ceiling until
As it did with that first batch of borrowers, the agency said on Friday it would suspend interest on the accounts of affected borrowers and not require them to make payments until the issues are resolved.
The Department of Education is withholding millions of dollars in payment for MOHELA over billing statement errors that caused 800,000 borrowers to be placed into delinquency status.
The Department of Education announced Monday that it is withholding millions of dollars in payment to the student loan servicer Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MOHELA) over billing statement errors it made. The department said MOHELA “failed to meet its basic obligation” of getting the statements out in a reasonable timeframe, resulting in 2.5 million…