A historic amount of rain fell on the region Tuesday morning and local governments and emergency responders were forced to scramble to respond to the unprecedented storm.
Wicked Local
As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to drop in Billerica and around the state, local officials begin to move town boards and committees back to in-person meetings, but for some board members, the concern is the possible rollback of accountability.
In March 2020, Gov. Charlie Baker enacted emergency orders allowing municipal bodies to conduct public meetings remotely amid the COVID-19 pandemic. With continuing progress on vaccine distribution in the state, Baker announced Monday those orders would be lifted on Tuesday, June 15.
This move by the Baker Administration threw a small wrench into municipal meetings like the Billerica Memorial High School Building Committee, which had to reschedule their Tuesday meeting due to the lift. The virtual nature of the meeting technically would have violated Open Meetings laws.
Fortunately for the town of Billerica and me we have an exceptional replacement for the assistant town Manager’s position, Curran wrote on Monday, May 17. Clancy Main is well qualified to hit the ground running in his new job. Most people in town who are involved in local government already know Clancy and have probably worked with him in some capacity. He has proven to be highly efficient and effective in all facets of his job. For these reasons, I can confidently say that he will handle his new position with the same level of success
Curran said Andrew Levine will step into Main s former role, which has been reclassified as the director of administrative services but will maintain the same responsibilities, on Saturday, June 19.