the high-end real estate business. who s that for? that s also incidentally not just the president s business but business senator bob clocker in is np you might remember senator corker needed a push from republican colleagues to change his vote to yes. we also got another analysis of the bill tho shows how it favors the richest americans and how middle-class americans, most americans, 60% of americans will actually get your taxes raised by this bill. the bill will represent a massive transfer of wealth that will touch almost every corner of american life. it will add almost a trillion dollars to the debt. it will kick millions of americans off all health insurance. but we can say tonight it is probably going to pass. this is video taken tonight in the hallway in the u.s. capitol. people getting arrested in pretty good numbers. we have that video? we have that, you guys? no? i will tell you what we will show you as soon as we get it is the video we just saw. in this evening, people get