this time will in fact, be different when it comes to new gun safety laws. president trump says it will be. and that he s ready to work with democrats on a bill strengthening background checks. we don t want insane people, mentally ill people, bad people, dangerous people we don t want guns in the hands of the wrong people. we have tremendous support for common sense, sensible, important background checks. there are many bills that have been put in over a period of four or five years. they went nowhere. but there s never been a president like president trump. . now, house democrats passed a background checks bill earlier this year. and they want mitch mcconnell to take it up right now. he is not going to do that. the question now is, how hard will president trump push? if he s looking to polls like this one it seems, at least on
charlottesville what does happen now? will a bill strengthening background checks bring momentum? or twhil grid lock play out again? and fully engage in addressing domestic terrorism, particularly the links to white supremacy ideology? just this week from vegas to winder park, florida arrests were made after domestic terror threats. only a president can lead the conversation. the problem? president who has wielded it is stoking it. we need meaningful background checks so that sick people don t get guns. reporter: president trump under political pressure after mass shootings in el paso oand dayton is promising new gun regulation. we ll see where the nra will be. but we have to have meaningful background checks. reporter: after las vegas. we ll be talking about gun laws. . reporter: after parkland.
the way it sort of sort of their fault because they don t make available to researchers this stuff so that you have political activists cherry picking data to point one political direction or another. we have incredible data about human behavior and about human te tendency, we have not been able to look at it. what a change that could make. i hope this ends up being a fruitful conversation. some solutions have finding consensus while others are definitely not. president trump as well as many republicans are now advocating for stronger background checks for gun purchases. a bill strengthening background checks passed the house but has been waiting for action in the senate since february. the president calling for red flag laws supporting by senato