create jobs? and that is the key. we must get people back on payrolls in this country. how do you know this is going to work? yeah i voted for this bill because i don t think that you look in theive an unemployed worker, shelby ohio, or norwalk ohio, saying that i m voting tax cuts for the rich. it s my principle, sorry about your benefits and in the end that s why so many progressives i think supported this. this bill, i don t quote john boehner very often but he said it you know he talked about certainty and predictability. in bill helps do that. this bill partners with the business community pretty well. i think this bill is this new law and the president s leadership and the president s reaching out to ceos is really does send a signal that the cash reserves they re sitting on which in some cases and in some big manufacturing companies whose ceos i ve spoken to in the last two, three months they re sitting on reserves two or three times the normal cash reserves they sit on.