always see my glass half-full especially while i am waiting for the pill to dissolve in my drink. because that s what america is. i believe we have a lot of room for optimism because, like a with the iphone at the bottom of the escalator, things can only look up. because after all right now, everything is down in the dumps, we are talking more than don lemons ratings are nancy pelosi s neckline, the economy, crime, how can this get any worse. oh, yeah, kilmeade is on today. talk about getting off on a good foot. we do have reason to think positively for a whole bunch of things. you ve heard of the slippery slope and i don t mean the ramp that slides the ups delivery man into my basement. it s when stuff keeps getting worse by virtue of it already being bad. i believe 2023 is the year when the slope hits the wall and that s because stuff just went too far. we let did not stick the driver s seat and it s time for the pendulum to swing back to some form of normalcy. the adults n
states, my friend donald j. trump. rupert murdoch is a direct line of the oval office in a way he s never enjoyed before. proximity to power. there probably would not have been a president trump without fox news. maybe we won t do it anymore with them. you give the viewers what they want. whatever his instinct is, that s what a great leader is. the channel became focused on telling him what he wanted to hear. james is watching this all in dismay. he is getting uncomfortable with the network under the leadership of his own father. but lachlan and rupert s view was why would we change this? we ve never had bigger ratings. and cracks inside the family are starting to appear. it s august 2017 and rupert murdoch invites bob iger, the head of disney, to have a drink with him at his $29 million vineyard in the hills of bel air. rupert offers iger a glass of wine and they begin to talk. like rupert, bob iger s an empire builder too. for years he s been buildin
the commander-in-chief and the president of the united states, my friend donald j. trump. rupert murdoch is a direct line of the oval office in a way he s never enjoyed before. proximity to power. there probably would not have been a president trump without fox news. maybe we won t do it anymore with them. you give the viewers what they want. whatever his instinct is, that s what a great leader is. the channel became focused on telling him what he wanted to hear. james is watching this all in dismay. he is getting uncomfortable with the network under the leadership of his own father. but lachlan and rupert s view was why would we change this? we ve never had bigger ratings. and cracks inside the family are starting to appear. it s august 2017 and rupert murdoch invites bob iger, the head of disney, to have a drink with him at his $29 million vineyard in the hills of bel air. rupert offers iger a glass of wine, and they begin to talk. like rupert, bob
if i didn t know what sensationalism was, i would soon find out. more journalists, more publishers should be in television. nobody was thinking as big as rupert murdoch. the largest single broadcast station transaction in history. murdoch has become sole owner of 20th century fox. rupert has laid out that he wants one of his children to succeed him, but he doesn t say when, who and how. it s going to have to be fought out between them. two minutes till the official start of the race, and there the boats looking like the sydney hobart race in australia, it s a big deal. it s kind of their super bowl. lachlan had done a lot of sailing, and he eagerly signed up for the 98 race. he sailed on board the boat sayonara. they want to get all the crew on sayonara sitting up on the high side there, getting their weight right out. it was a beautiful day. and not long after the race began, there was a line of clouds like a black wall. there were wind gusts of clos
sensationalism was, i would soon find out. more journalists should be in television. nobody was thinking as big as rupert murdoch. the largest single broadcast station transaction in history. 20th century fox. rupert has laid out he wants one of his children to succeed him but he doesn t say when, who, or how. it will have to be fought out between them. two minutes to the official start of the race. there are the boats. the sydney race in australia is a big deal. it is kind of their super bowl. lockland had done a lot of sailing and he eagerly signed up for the 98 race. he sailed on board the boat sianara. it was a beautiful day. there are wind gusts close to 100 miles per hour. and the waves were enormous. is there anything you fear in life? you always worry. i think. about the unexpected that could happen. what could bring all this tumbling down. boats would head into the waves. and they would sort of climb up and then they would go. you worry about wh