Canadians Bill Lishman and Joe Duff founded Operation Migration in 1994 to teach captive-reared birds to migrate by following the Cosmos Phase II ultralight aircraft.
From CANDU nuclear reactors to Father Goose to search engine optimization, Durham Region inventors and entrpreneurs continued to shine a bright light on innovation through the end of the 20th century and into the early years of this one
Zakiya Dalila Harris makes a thrilling debut with The Other Black Girl, journalist Mike Rothschild takes on QAnon, New Yorker writer Sheldon Pearce assembles a Tupac oral history, and more books to read in June.
A look at December in Georgetown County throughout history . . .
125 years ago, 1895
A private car came on Monday bringing Messrs. Woods, Fisher, Weister and others to enjoy some of our fine sport, shooting ducks, as the guests of Gen. E.P. Alexander on South Island. . . Attention, Georgetown Rifle Guards! You are hereby summoned to attend a drill of your company on Tuesday, December 10th, at 9 oâclock sharp, at your armory. Every member is urged to attend. H. Schenk, Secretary. . . Under the management of several young ladies of the Episcopal Church, a program of melody, wit and music will be given at the Standard Theatre on Thursday, the 19th of December. The object is to raise funds to repair and tune the church organ. The management is pledged to a bright program without any tedious waits. The public is promised a rich and racy treat. Adults 25 cents. Children 15 cents.