i mean that is ultimately the message that he sent across. to the choice of words much notice that. the president signs the bill the house and senate are putting together a bill it s going to allow more people to come to united states we re just trying to figure out an organized way to do that so that people who want to come to states they want to play by the rules they want to become citizens they want to do these things they can t right now the system we have in place isn t broken for a long time. chris i mean i just want to remind our viewers of this but this is a quote that that every american really knows give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free isn t that the spirit of america i mean we all know that that comes from the statue of liberty of course and isn t that the complete opposite of what we heard the u.s. president say in the past twenty four hours there s no doubt that that s exactly
if their genes aren t up to it. albert johnson became chair of the committee. he hired this chief eugenecist by 121. they were publicly ranks americans by their national origin. by two years after that, 1924, they had achieved what they were aiming at. by 19 24, wilson was gone, a new presidents calvin coolidge. he signed an anti-immigration billed called the johnson/reed immigration act of 1924. and it was a eugenics bill, it was a bill to protect america from a stream of alien blood. it was a bill to stop american civilization from descending into barbarism. about 1924 bill it restricted immigration dram lick, but also in a started way, it banned
for the bill that will have his name on it. does it help when he says to bloomberg, it s not in final form obviously. but when you need someone to lead that s the whole point. the bully pulpit is the only thing that can force the sausage to get made, frankly. does it it it s the fact is that it s so much more complicated, special interests involved. people with different ideas. it is really much more complicated, and to your point if there every is a bill it will look a lot different than what it is today. guys, stand by. the president will be speaking live any moment from the white house. i appreciate it. rose garden event, a trophy presentation to the air force
they believe that clinton is getting a political pass, they don t say by the way, i m being paid to have this conversation with you, i ll going to go bill it at my law firm. really quickly, vaveed, a lot of people point out the fbi is incredibly aggressive when it comes to trying to pin something on the clintons, even when it comes from a book or devilling into the political but they doesn t see to be so aggressive in running down some of these allegations of foreign hacking, russian hacking, attacks on the delegates and the dnc. what do you make of that? it s a very important point. i want to clarify that. there s what we see and there s what we don t see. you re absolutely right. the investigative arm, which tend to fall under the criminal auspices of the fbi is very
i mean, rudy s law firm, his current law firm, greenberg t u trauwig represents the kushners are gigantic clients of ru rudy s law firm. and these fbi agents, assuming they believe that clinton is getting a political pass, they don t say by the way, i m being paid to have this conversation with you, i ll going to go bill it at my law firm. really quickly, vaveed, a lot of people point out the fbi is incredibly aggressive when it comes to trying to pin something on the clintons, even when it comes from a book or devilling