pass in the house? yes. the house speaker and the rest of the republican leader team put out a mixed statement saying they want to review this they want the public to look at this. somehows speaker john boehner is under no obligation to bring this up. they could bring it up and possibly change it and ping pong it back to the senate. this is far from over. there s a lot to do here. the one plus on this side might be the fact there is so much in this bill doug was talking about it keeps milk prices low the dodoc fix physicians who see medicaid patients and things. there are a lot of things there a lot of members are for. i have to caution everyone there was a vote december of last year on renewing the payroll tax cut which passed overwhelmingly again a very similar margin in the senate. 89 votes in that particular bill and they move it had over to the house and john boehner and house