doors identify this candidate better than he had been able to himself. on the other hand, i thought particularly by bill clinton, at the democratic convention, they laid out the case very well of why there is a choice. that wonderful praise he used is, you know, president obama got handed over a big mess and because he didn t clean it up again, the team that handed it to him said give it back right now. i think that to cal s point, he s absolutely right. least halfway. this is a choice about the republicans very well saying we are a nation of individual freedom, we don t want our government to interfere with that. the president clinton with president obama laid out what is an historical fact. government can also enhance our individual freedoms. woman s rights to vote, or laying down roads in an infrastructure like the internet and rural communities that can enhance our opportunities. both are values of america s character is what i think this nation in the common sensecal way of those
economy has produced 66 million private sector jobs. so what s the job score? republicans, 24 million. democrats, 42. there he s talking about the party, but he also specifically talked about this notion that the president was somehow gutting or stealing from medicare, the same amount of money in savings that was in the ryan plan. what do you make of this dot-to-dot rebuttal from the former president? the republicans, i think, maid a big mistake in the last two months holding up bill clinton as the model. he s the democratic president that we should strive for. did they think bill clinton wasn t going to be there for barack obama? did they think bill clinton didn t care about progressive values? they made a terrible mistake because bill clinton literally buried them last night. he buried he buried the lie
morning to the effect that bill clinton wasn t going to submit his draft into the obama folks until just before show time. they sought to rebut that. they told me that they have been working very closely with bill clinton and reviewed in broad terms what he is going to say. they also gave him a total running time in terms of length for the speech. they then said to me look we give this man as much time as we think he needs to make the case because it s an important speech. shep? shepard: history tells us is he going to take as much time as he wants. i remember vividly putting up a clock on him to keep him on special they don t want the speeches to run out of prime time. they want them to still be awake for them. that s right. we have to remember bill clinton in 1988 when he gave the keynote address as up and coming governor from arkansas didn t fare that well. that speech went on too long and did not get good reviews. for all of those aspiring to give that kind of keynote address y
this is the most savage attack by any politician in the history of american politics. he gets all the pr. he basically gets the nomination because johnson attacked him. here s bill clinton. you want to get attacked by the other side. well, bill clinton definitely wants to get attacked by the other side. but this was an attack on barack obama. and i do think there was some distance from bill clinton here. he s got to go out and defend obama particularly on thish. he s got this huge speaking role he signed the welfare bill. zwle signed the welfare bill. this came out in new york when bill clinton was in las vegas. came out from his foundation. he had to get it from the obama campaign or somewhere else. if you look at the language, it wasn t about savageness. he said it s not true and i find it disappointing. that s kind of time for politics these days. he wants to be the guy above it all, but he also wants to support. he doesn t want to be the attack dog, i agree. he s walking
in 1996 president clinton and a bipartisan congress helped end welfare as we know it by requiring work for welfare. but on july 12th president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform by dropping work requirements. under obama s plan you wouldn t have to work or train for a job. they just send you your check. that was the infamous mitt romney ad making headlines for its misleading portrayal of the obama administration s welfare policy. it caught the attention of one very important viewer. none other than bill clinton himself. the former president released a statement last night knocking down the ad s accusations as not true. he said in part, the administration has taken important steps to ensure that the work requirement is retained. the welfare time limits, another important feature of the 1996 act, will not be waived. the romney ad is especially disappointing because as governor of massachusetts he requested changes in the welfare reform laws that could have eliminated