Los Angeles, CA—Obtaining a copy of Without Redemption, a groundbreaking serial killer historical biography about Bill Bonin, is as easy as clicking on an Amazon Kindle E-Gift link below. The image above shows the links were purchased from Amazon and are totally fine. In recent weeks, copies of Without Redemption
Los Angeles, CA—The most detailed historical biography about infamous serial killer Bill Bonin, Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice, is gaining international attention with sales in Canada, Australia and across Europe. Bonin’s exploits garnered worldwide headlines, in
Los Angeles, CA—About 20 years ago a former investigator gave Vonda Pelto, a Clinical Psychologist who has sessions with many serial killers at LA Men’s Central Jail, over 40 boxes of documents related to the famous Bill Bonin Freeway Killer cases. Within those boxes were copies of Bonin’s jailhouse diaries
Los Angeles, CA—During the writing of Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices & How One Who Escaped Justice, authors Vonda Pelto, Ph.D. and Michael B. Butler sought to discoverer the mystery of why he became a serial killer. Able to track his personal
Los Angeles, CA—A major historical biography about serial killer Bill Bonin, aka The Freeway Killer, is now on sale in Kindle and Nook formats for 99 Cents thru March 31. A recent batch of 5-Star reviews for Without Redemption: Creation & Deeds of Freeway Killer Bill Bonin, His Five Accomplices