on what criteria should parents look for in choosing a school? steve perry has some answers in tonight s perry principles. hi, dr. perry. my son is 2 1/2 years old and my wife and i are just starting to look into kindergarten programs. sense of duty to my country to go and serve. i went straight to ft. bragg. it was just the thing to do. that was my obligation, that was my duty, as an american. i was drafted and i was sent to ft. sill and placed in the 85th missile detachment. we were supposed to be security guards for the nuclear warheads that were to go on the pershing missiles. three american soldiers, tim josephs, frank rochelle, bill blazinski. called to arms nearly a half a century ago, from different backgrounds, but about to share an experience that would change each of their lives at edgewood arsenal military base in maryland. a couple of doctors from arsenal came and gave a presentation. they presented it as not everyone would be chosen. there would
saint makers. what does it take to become a saint? ask this baptist who used to be blind. that s why it s a miracle. his unlikely role in an indiana nun s path to sainthood. revealing investigations, fascinating characters, stories with impact. this is cnn presents with tonight s hosts, randi kaye and dr. sanjay gupta. good evening. we begin tonight with this unbelievable story of how u.s. soldiers were used as human guinea pigs. during the cold war, the military embarked on this top-secret program to test chemical and biological weapons. the researchers used animals, but, believe it or not, they also used humans. volunteers from the army who had no idea what they were signing up for. nearly half a century later, some of these human guinea pigs, well, they re emerging from the shadows, with disturbing stories about what the military did to them and how they re being treated now. i enlisted. joined at 18 years of age. it was the height of the vietnam war era and