thank you, always good to see you. bill: we ve got a breaking news alert now, wires that power trains have fallen down, the new jersey transit folks saying it happened in motuchen, they do not know whether the train can be moved or passengers evacuated. this will have an enormous ripple effect up and down the east coast. millions will be affected. the downed wire is causing delays of up to 60 minutes. new york-bound trains, planning up to 30 minutes behind schedule, so we re working on that story and it s just breaking, crossing the wires right now but the busy northeastern corridor that relies so much on that transportation will be affected significantly. martha: and with the falling trees and no power, and all that, you can t even get to work. so it s a good day! bill: 60 degrees outside. martha: go for a walk! bill: more to come this hour, including this. attorney general eric holder facing down his critics. republicans will grill him on the failed fast & furious
her behavior and demeanor seems not that unhappy in many ways about this. often someone coming forward they look upset about what was happened. granted it was 14 years ago. she dealt with it a long time if there is any truth. bill: she had her say. herman cain will have his say later today. we expect 5:00 eastern time, herman cain responding out of phoenix, arizona today where he is campaigning. martha: great. bill: great interview by the way. well-done there. 11 minutes past the hour. we find millions of americans are deciding state issues today that will certainly have national implications. arizona playsed a trail in immigration reform. several other states followed it. the driving force behind that law in arizona, facing rebellion in his own state. we ll talk to him live whether or not he can survive. martha: lawmakers calling on the super-committee to go big, folks. beyond the 1.2 trillion. they want them to go for four billion big ones. chuck schumer a leading
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basically that s the bottom line, can the police, the government, put a gpd tracking device on your car for weeks at a time tracking everywhere you go, how long you re there and basically what you re doing without a proper warrant. the justices will have to decide that case very shortly when they hear it this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. legal experts say the government has a good argument. here s that side of it: in an era of scarce resources it allows law enforcement to do more with less and that really i think is the balance here. we all want law enforcement effectively to investigate murderers, rapists and terrorists and stop them from committing their crimes on the one hand and we d like them to do that efficiently so there s no waste of public resources. modern technology can help them be more efficient but a lot of folks are asking at what cost bill. bill: who is asking the questions, because there are groups that object to this. on what grounds, shan glon. it s an int
go? and he survives in the polls, that me that remains to be seen. bill: you know what the campaign says, our motto is to allow herman or herman. in that polling, president obama had his numbers flip a bit. so we ll watch that. bob, thank you, bob cusack out of washington. martha: i sat down with sharon bailak a couple of minutes ago for the first fox interview. here s a piece of it. i want him to acknowledge that at points in time in his life, he s been inappropriate with women, i don t know what the other allegations are, i know what mine are, i know i m speaking the truth and that s what i want him to do is say hey, i ve made some mistakes. martha: we ll see what happens this afternoon. she responds to the complaint from the cain campaign that she came forward for money. we ll play what she said if i asked her if she had ever considered money for this story to come out. we ll talk about that interview coming up at the top of the hour.