A day after making bizarre remarks on the role women's education in population control in Bihar Assembly, which received widespread condemnation, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Wednesday apologised and withdrew his statement."If I have said .
The National Commission for Women (NCW) condemned Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's "offensive" remarks on population control in the Assembly on Tuesday and demanded an immediate apology from him.In a statement on X, the NCW said: .
What has the caste landscape of Bihar been like historically? Who are the EBCs? How does having exact caste data help in policy making? What are the implications of the survey results on Bihar politics?
Explained | Why is Bihar s caste-based survey facing a challenge in the Supreme Court? thehindu.com - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from thehindu.com Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
RJD MLC Sunil Singh was invited as Leader of Opposition for the Independence Day ceremony by the Commissioner of Patna Division Kumar Ravi on Saturday.The Independence Day ceremony will be held in Patna's Gandhi Maidan.After receiving the .