pay for men and women in the service? again, they re risking their lives. it s around $40,000. what about the average nfl player? their average salary is .2.44 million a year. i ll grant you they have short careers, average career three or four years. that s not the point. that s a lot of money and families pay a lot of money to go see these games. so i m kind of trying to understand do they not get that this is a big deal for a lot of people? and that this is going to backfire against them? yeah, there is a huge disconnect here between the elites of the entertainment and sports industry and the people who pay their salaries and who consume their products. again, this is an industry-wide thing. it s the same reason why you see the summer box office movie was the bomb. all these awards shows for entertainment all of their viewership is down. you cannot afford to insult the very customer base that keeps
monologue. so first tonight i want to take a few moments and i want to thank all of you for your support and your loyalty. last night you did make this show number one in cable by far. there is a lot of people and the mainstream media on the left, they want the voice of this show silenced. they want your voices silenced and there are even efforts this very day to silence a boycott and get me fired. this threat is very real. the sad truth. if you re a conservative and have a conservative worldview people in the media today, guess what? there are people paid a lot of money, well-funded to sit and watch every single second, minute of every single day in the hopes that i say one word, one phrase, one sentence that they deem politically incorrect and then they can use it to get me fired. now with that said i made a promise last night. we won t stop on this program until my dying breath as long as they ll have me to give you news and strong opinion and information you won t get anywhere else
sean: where does this end up? i think they re in a dilemma now. we tried to see the dallasmm cowboys threading the needle.e look at the average family. i grew up in a small cape cod house, three older sisters, one bathroom. that is hell on earth, by the way, bill. 50 by 100 lot. franklin square, you know where i grew up. i grew up there. if you take a family of four to a football game,fa basketball game, baseball game, average ticket about $100. it s close to a grand. you buy hot dogs, you buy a jersey, you buy all this stuff, it is so much money and people literally sacrifice and save for that. how are they going to react? how does this end? first of all the league will have to do something.l i wrote a column for the hill
that s bad enough. there are millions of dollars behind that. those people doing it are being paid to do it. bigs money. cheryl atkinson s book smear. you ve got to read it. this is a brilliant woman, an honest reporter whoer used to wk at cbs. the book is smear. it will document a to z this big money and these people will do anything. sean: bill, every minute of every day we have rush on later this week. every prominent conservative voice is recorded. they re paid to record. they re paid to transcribe. they re paid to look for the one word, sentence, phrase that they can use to attack either advertisers or others. advertisers that s insidious. sean: it has worked in the past.
we started on this channel 23 years ago. it s never been this bad ever. i have to tell you in the 20 years six months of worked for fnc i was attacked every single day of my life. every day. sean: by the way, bull s-eye, the two irish guys. we have to take a break. i want to talk about this. i want to go back to your book. when you talk about institutions today, there is a lot of parallels to what you are writing about that i think we can learn from. the dallas school board. i want to get into that. s give up, skeletor! you re finished! curse you, he-man, you interfering imbecile! give us one good reason we shouldn t vanquish you to another dimension! ok, guys, hear me out. switching to geico could save you. hundreds on car insurance. huh, he does make a point. i do like to save money. catch you on the flip, suckas! geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer.