Add the snack food classic to the list of great inventions to come out of North Texas.
By Alex Macon
Published in
May 19, 2021
9:20 am
A lot of world-changing inventions have come out of North Texas over the years. The integrated circuit. The frozen margarita machine. Liquid Paper. Doritos. (Related: There are several clues here that will help you in taking “The Biggest Baddest Most Dallas Quiz Ever” contained in the May issue of the magazine and going online in the not too distant future.)
There’s another product we could now add to that list, one that for my money may be the greatest invention our region has given humanity: the Flamin’ Hot Cheeto. It’s a classic in the junk food pantheon, beloved far and wide while making a bunch of money for Frito-Lay and becoming something of a pop culture meme look to celebrities embracing Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Halloween costumes or to cupcakes sprinkled in Hot Cheeto dust for evidence.