In the grand finale of Bigg Boss 17 , Munawar Faruqui emerged victorious, securing the coveted trophy. Despite challenges, Munawar and Mannara s friendship stood resilient, highlighted by a touching post-finale hug that went viral. Munawar also expressed gratitude on Instagram, sharing a triumphant moment with Salman Khan.
Bigg Boss 17 finale: Salman Khan will declare the winner of Bigg Boss 17 on January 28 after over 100 days. Check who among the five finalists- Ankita Lokhande, Abhishek Kumar, Munawar Faruqui, Arun Mashettey and Mannara Chopra- is leading.
Bigg Boss Kannada Season 10 Finale Live Updates: Drone Prathap, Vinay Gowda, Karthik Mahesh, Varthur Santhosh and Sangeetha Sringeri are the finalists of Bigg Boss Kannada 10.