Ram Charan-Alia Bhatt and Deepika-Ranveer Singh will be gracing Bigg Boss Telugu 5 finale episode. For the past two years, Megastar Chiranjeevi was the guest of honor for Bigg Boss Telugu finale episode. Ibigg boss telugu 5 grand finale date venueI bigg boss telugu 5 grand finale chief guest listI telugu bigg boss 5 grand finale chief guestsI bigg boss telugu 5 grand finale
Bigg Boss makers are likely to eliminate Siri and Shanmukh in the final round of Bigg Boss Telugu 5. The makers are said to be having plans of making Sunny and SRC as winner and runner-up of the show. There may be a chance for Shanmukh to become the first runner-up of the show, but he may also walk out of the final race by accepting the cash brief case. Ishanmukh siri hanmanth
Anchor Ravi was spotted persuading an auto driver, saying Sreerama Chandra is the most deserving contestant to win Bigg Boss Telugu 5. He is seen going around in the autorickshaw, urging people to vote for Sreerama Chandra. Ianchor ravi road campaign for bigg boss telugu 5 sreerama chandraI anchor ravi auto promotions for sreerama chandra votesI anchor raviI bigg boss telugu 5
If you are wondering who are the most irritating contestants in the house. Let me tell you all that they are none other than Shanmukh and Siri. They have been irritating the viewers with their sulking drama, as per netizens. They have been badly trolled for the past few weeks on social media. People are asking when they would be changing and some of them are asking Bigg Boss
When you are degrading my image, I fought on behalf of you many times. But, you always look down upon me in front of others. Your mother won't see these all, she only remembers our hug, shannu was seen lashing out at Siri badly. Siri couldn't control her tears when Shannu was talking about her mother. Later, the duo resolved their fights with their routine hugs. Now, Bigg Boss