Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 contestants are heading towards the finale in another six days. They are giving their best to impress the audience and bag the Bigg Boss Kannada 9 trophy. The BBK9 audience are eager to find out who will take home the trophy because Roopesh Shetty and Rakesh Adiga are widely expected to be the winner and runner-up. They both are having equal voting
Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 contestants are heading toward the grand finale this week. The contestants have six more days to impress the audience and bag the trophy. Arun Sagar and Amulya Gowda are recent contestants to get exit passes from the show. The Bigg Boss Kannada 9 makers planned double elimination for 13th week. The contestants who are left in the BBK9 glasshouse for
Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 contestants completed ten weeks and entered the eleventh week. The contestants are managing to grab the attention of the audience with their fights and fun in the glasshouse. BBK9 viewers are discussing contestants' performances on social media. In season 9, the most trending contestants are Divya Urudaga, Roopesh Shetty, and Rakesh Adiga.The
With each passing day, Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 contestants are making the show more interesting and impressing the audience with their smart games and performances. Viewers are rooting for their favourite contestants to win as the show approaches its grand finale.Currently, Roopesh Shetty, Rakesh Adiga, Aryavardhan, Amulya Gowda, and Arun Sagar are predicted to be the top
Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 contestants entered the ninth week, and contestants are heading towards the grand finale. Deepika Das is the recent contestant to get recent to get an exit pass from the Bigg Boss Kannada 9 glasshouse. BBK9 viewers are having debates on social media platforms over the winner and runner-up of the show.