Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 contestants are gearing up for the grand finale. Aryavardhan Guruji was the recent contestant to get eliminated from the Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 house. Roopesh Shetty, Rakesh Adiga, Divya U, Deepika Das, and Rupesh Rajanna are left in the Bigg Boss Kannada 9 house for the grand finale race. After the sixth finalist's elimination, BBK9 viewers are
BBK9 Grand Finale: Bigg Boss Kannada 9 contestant Roopesh Shetty has gained enormous fan following and increased his popularity after entering the Kannada TV reality show. Bigg Boss Kannada 9 viewers are impressed with Roopesh Shetty's performance and how he played and handled his emotions in the house. From day one of the Bigg Boss Kannada 9 show, Roopesh Shetty was tipped
ccording to reports, the show organizers thought to eliminate Divya Uruduga from the show. The makers have saved Divya Uruduga and they have eliminated Aryavardhan from the show. Arya Vardhan will be getting eliminated in tonight's episode from Bigg Boss Kannada 9. Aryavardhan fans are trolling colors Kannada for favoritism toward Divya Uruduga
Bigg Boss Kannada season 9 is reaching its grand finale next week, and contestants are not leaving any stone unturned to bag the trophy. The Bigg Boss Kannada 9 contestants are impressing the audience to escape elimination. Well, Arun Sagar and Amulya Gowda are the recent contestants to get evicted from the show. Bigg Boss Kannada 9 makers planned double elimination this week
Divya Uruduga and Arya Vardhan might get eliminated from Bigg Boss Kannada 9 this weekend. Will these two will get eliminated from Bigg Boss Kannada 9 this weekend or not is yet to be seen. The makers wouldn't risk the show by eliminating Divya Uruduga as the viewers won't watch the show if she gets eliminated.