Kamal Haasan s OTT season has reunited some of the most popular and celebrated contestants Bigg Boss Tamil past seasons, giving them a second chance to claim the coveted title, win over the audience and redeem themselves. Check out Bigg Boss Ultimate complete contestants list here!
Bigg Boss Tamil 5 has completed its 12th week and entering into its 13th week. The makers are giving a lot of twists to make the house drama interesting to the viewers. Weekend means Elimination time in Bigg Boss house. If one were to do by the latest promo, Kamal Haasan seems to be hinting at double elimination this week. The contestants who have been nominated for this
Bigg Boss Tamil season 5 has completed ten weeks, and the contestants are working hard to make it to the final week. However, one of the remaining contestants will be eliminated this weekend. The nominated contestants for this week are Sanjeev, Raju, Priyanka Deshpande, Thamarai Selvi, Pavni, Akshara, Varun, Niroop, Amir and Abhinay. As per the unofficial voting trends that
Bigg Boss Tamil season 5 once again witnessed a shocking elimination. All the contestants had to accept the eviction this week as it was decided by the Bigg Boss audience. Kamal Haasan, who recovered from coronavirus, resumed shooting for the controversial reality show Bigg Boss on Saturday. Kamal Haasan hinted to the contestants that one of the nominated contestants would
Irrespective of language, Bigg Boss is one of the most popular shows on the small screen. Bigg Boss Tamil 5 hosted by Kamal Haasan is also doing well and fans are eagerly waiting to know who is going to step out of the house this weekend.