Bigg Boss 16 s first confirmed contestants: At an event in Mumbai, Salman Khan announced Abdu Rozik as the first contestant of the season. While everyone finds him cute, it s important to put it out there that he is not a minor!
Salman Khan said his salary figure has been exaggerated . There is income tax. The ED (Enforcement Directorate) also notices that and they come. They know the truth, he said.
Bigg Boss 16 has created a lot of hype on social media. Videos of the first contestant of Salman Khan s show have been shared on social media and fans guess who it can be. Do you know his name?
Bigg Boss 16 is making the headlines after the makers released BB16 promo. Salman Khan's Bigg Boss is the most controversial Hindi reality show which has garnered highest TRP ratings for the channel Colors. Earlier, speculation was rife that Imlie actor Fahmaan Khan was approached by the Bigg Boss 16 makers to rope him in as a contestant on the show. Buzz had it that Fahmaan
Bigg Boss 16 Contestants: Bigg Boss 16: Salman Khan is all set to rock the Bigg Boss 16 stage with new rules and top TV actors are expected to take part. With the Hindi Bigg Boss completing 15 years, makers are planning something unique for season 16. The first Bigg Boss 16 promo was released, in which Salman Khan says that for the previous 15 seasons, contestants played their