face, we re a good market and really strong economy. look how low interest rates remain, too. central banks are on board. i m sorry, jerome powell, it started again, he didn t want to call it that. central banks around the world, zer ohr lower will keep the fire blowing. charles: we need the american consumer to remain upbeat and positive, that is the driving force for all of this. look at the values and 401(k) 401(k) s and their jobs and the fact they are getting more wages, big holiday shopping season. charles: someone called that the virtuous cycle. i like it. wo homes, the big thing is trade. the real estate industry, rates have been coming down, not with rates for the consumer, a lot of banks are looking at trade. when we see stability there, you are going to see interest rates for homeowners go down. hope so. thank you, the best. all the focus on impeachment,
he can t play the issue. he goes to vietnam and says, we want to have a partnership with you. the other thing he has in his pocket is the fact that vietnam has a great economy, south koreans have a great economy. japanese have a great economy. laura: he wants to do one on one. bilateral trade agreements. get out of these megadeals where we always get the short end of the stick. to me that s doing trade the smart way. that s fulfilling his election promise. by doing this, walking away, bringing over the bernie folks. lot of bernie folks voted for president trump because that was unfair. now i think he s trying to brynn back the potential for trade which will allow for american manufacturing to get off his butt and start doing more again. i see this as a direct link for what he did a year ago to be elected. laura: at the same time he did announce $250 billion in deals with joint ventures. it sounds big, but the big thing is trade. i think i don t think we have
he can t play the issue. he goes to vietnam and says, we want to have a partnership with you. the other thing he has in his pocket is the fact that vietnam has a great economy, south koreans have a great economy. japanese have a great economy. laura: he wants to do one on one. bilateral trade agreements. get out of these megadeals where we always get the short end of the stick. to me that s doing trade the smart way. that s fulfilling his election promise. by doing this, walking away, bringing over the bernie folks. lot of bernie folks voted for president trump because that was unfair. now i think he s trying to brynn back the potential for trade which will allow for american manufacturing to get off his butt and start doing more again. i see this as a direct link for what he did a year ago to be elected. laura: at the same time he did announce $250 billion in deals with joint ventures. it sounds big, but the big thing is trade. i think i don t think we have
he goes to vietnam and says, we want to have a partnership with you. the other thing he has in his pocket is the fact that vietnam has a great economy, south koreans have a great economy. japanese have a great economy. laura: he wants to do one on one. bilateral trade agreements. get out of these megadeals where we always get the short end of the stick. to me that s doing trade the smart way. that s fulfilling his election promise. by doing this, walking away, bringing over the bernie folks. lot of bernie folks voted for president trump because that was unfair. now i think he s trying to brynn back the potential for trade which will allow for american manufacturing to get off his butt and start doing more again. i see this as a direct link for what he did a year ago to be elected. laura: at the same time he did announce $250 billion in deals with joint ventures. it sounds big, but the big thing is trade. i think i don t think we have