i would start with you. the only people who are happy tonight are the lawyers as we speak they are buying porches because they know the litigation is, finance or lavish lifestyle for years to come with us that it all come down fraud? were there intentional mr. rotations and false statements that led to material breach of the contract. what say you? this is a $44 billion deal with the million dollar breakup fee. if there is not material reasons elon musk things that there is. he is finding out that twitter no surprise to us that our conservatives which is not being transparent about their business practices. this is one of the reasons why money for u.s. senate for the reasons with the whole big tech accountable for the reasons waived to a good look at section
both, congressman, since you have the mba, let me start with you. the only people who are happy tonight are the lawyers as weye speak. they re there. they re buying porsches because they know this litigation is going to finance their lavish lifestyle for yearss to come. but doesn t it all come down to fraud where they re intentional misrepresentatio and false statements that lead to a materiall breach of the contract? what say you, greg? this is a forty four billion dollar deal with a billion breakup fee if there s not material reason. but elon musk thinks that theref is he s finding out that twitter, no surprise to us thats are conservatives is just not being transparent about their business practices. this is one of the reasons that i m running for u.s. senate.he it s one of the reasons that we have to hold big tech accountable. it s one of the reasons we have to take a good look at
0 about ite line that s for us tonight. sorry, biden joked our friend j jarocin for sean tonight. have the best night with the ones you love.te w i ll see you monday. at. welcome everyone to this special edition of hannity . i m right here i show tonight.em top democrats and their friendsc in the liberal media all butid begging president biden to do something, anything on a variety of key issues in response today, the white house signed a rather useless executive order on abortion rights that does little to nothingab, just another political stunt from a white house that is trulyen incompete. in every way. what else would you expect fromo a president who struggles with basic task s like, you know, walking and talking even with the assistance of a teleprompter? watch this. itit is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the menge who do so end of quote, repeated line women are notar without electo
he believes that free-speech is a bedrock of a functioning democracy coating here twitter has put tremendous potential i look forward to working with th company in the community of users to unlock it. critics say elon musk hands up approach to twitter becoming a haven for misinformation and hate speech. democratic senator elizabeth warren tweeted this deal is dangerous for our democracy. billionaires like elon musk pla by a different set of rules tha everyone else accumulating powder for their own game. we need a wealth tax in strong rules to hold big tech accountable. when it comes to accountability conservatives believe they are the only ones big tech is policing citing the blatant and unfounded censorship of the wuhan lab leak theory in hunter biden s laptop. i think the left is terrifie in particular, but all of silicon valley is in general
incredibly important for such a important platform to our private conversation. they plied by a different se of rules than everybody else accumulating power for their ow game. they hold big tech accountable. there are billion as her own things like the washington post and i don t know. it seems like this particular billionaire at this particular moment. it s barely worth engaging with that elizabeth warren tweets, it s just a leftist key clichés put together to try to give the impression that she is pandering to the base was is what she is trying to do. actually, what they really mean is that the billionaires that support their course that the democrat supports, pushing thei