There’s no such thing as being fashionably late when it comes to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. This party begins with a bang at 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 6 at the #1 Sturgis Rally destination the Sturgis Buffalo Chip! Grab a spot in the Chip’s legendary amphitheater for the Buffalo Chip Official Sturgis Rally Kickoff and experience the spectacle as magnificent machines and famous faces make their grand entry in a parade down Buffalo Chip Main Street. The festivities continue into the evening with live entertainment from Puddle of Mudd, Blacklite District, Big Skillet, the International Bikini Team and more!
negative, negative, which is fun, but there s a little positive, too. balance. meantime, talk about balance, we first had global warming and then climate change. now it s just science, dammit. if you don t agree with those that say the earth is becoming like a big skillet, the hell with it. not so fast.