democrats are set to hold their national convention later this year. our chief white house correspondented henry live at the white house on the north lawn with an update. what is going on? reporter: we have new information. as you know the president said in december of 2010 that he was evolving on this issue. we are getting new information now suggesting that he is ready perhaps to complete that evolution. i just spoke tow a source close to the president, a democratic adviser, outside the white house who told me the president is expected to go further than he ever has before on this issue. the venue is going to be a last-minute interview at the white house granted to abc news, robin roberts. it s happening at 1:30p ph-rbs eastern time at the white house, moments away. this democratic source told me flat lee, quote the president will make some news. he wouldn t schedule a last minute interview to double down on an old position. i want to caution that i ve talked to two other sources c
the jail and exposed herself. we won t show you that part. she says she will still keep on stripping her 45 years notwithstanding. i got another 15 years to go, and i ll be stripping for another 15 years. as long as this body is built the way it is, see this body? okay, this is the mother of triplets here, okay. i m cut up. i m stacked nice. reporter: okay. don t check your television set there. scalia claims her customers love her and clearly some do. megyn. megyn: she is cut up. i have to say she has good definition in those abs after three babies. i m going to leave it at that. reporter: not happening. megyn: thanks, gregg. reporter: okay. megyn: at this moment we are told that president obama is making news. we were told that he would be making news, we expect he s making the news and when he makes the news we will bring it to you right here. and a ruling in the case of a fight over a parking spot. it left a woman brain damaged, the verdict is now in and it may
later about how this sort of thing exactly can happen. long island woman is now gaining national attention after she is charged with selling more than just hot dogs out of her makeshift hot dog truck. gregg jarrett live again with our new york newsroom. reporter: there is nothing wrong withholding down two jobs as long as prostitution isn t one of them. they say catherine scalia was peddling hot dogs with more than the usual relish. she invited people back to her home. she is not a hot dog stripper. i solicited an undercover officer. i didn t know that was going to happen. i told this guy to come to my house, i m going to do the strip, you re going to have fun and you re going to go home. i didn t know i d be in cuffs all over the news again. reporter: she pled guilty, got slapped with seven days behind bars, plus a psych examine since she walked out of
down because some are using it so frequently, but you get tarred with that label and now you re stuck witness. do you think that is a deterrent for others who will follow later who want to write something critical as charged as this. right. basically the ideas is the academics have circled their wagons and they are suggesting these are the important things to say in the realm of academics and anything else we are going to just spew you out. i mean it s like the academic body is allergic to any kind of decent on these issues. for anybody who dares to think freely or weigh in on these issues they have sent a very clear message. megyn: thank you for being here. thank you. megyn: all the best to you. we are waiting for some news on the issue of gay marriage from president obama. it could be as soon as ten minutes away. this would be a major shift if the president comes out and endorsess gay marriage, folks. we will watch it, you ll see the breaking news right here. plus, a young gradua
news, that s what they normally do. as soon as we get it we will bring it to you. then you can fall the whole thing on abc that is making the news in the first place. this comes 24 hours after north carolina voted to effectively ban same-sex marriage. some on the hr eft now want a boycott of that state. and that poses an interesting problem for democrats, who are scheduled to hold their national convention there this summer. monica crowley is a radio talk show host and julia roginski served under john corzine, both are fox news contributors. we think it s going to be president obama, it might be keith judd. we think president obama is going to secure the democratic nomination. [laughter] megyn: with respect we think it s going to be barack obama who is going to have this problem in north carolina not mr. judd, and it raises and interesting question. let me start with you on this. so many democrats, left-leaning