bobby rush on the house floor in a hoodie, and was reprimanded add and removed for it. martin the parents applied for a trademark, justice for trayvon and i am trayvon. the president of a company and do we need a time-out? trademarks, tweets, all of this social media outrage. are we losing trayvon martin in all of this, pete? absolutely. i think we are. any time there s such a sensational story, where the entire country probably and much of the world knows about it, people try to capitalize one way or the other. the news media. people making twitter names. people making money off this tragedy. absolutely. we need to focus back on the man who was killed. it was the lunch lady s home address that i think really caught a lot of people off guard this week. irresponsible. got to say. i m a big fan of mr. lee. you understand, social media has so much power. you need to be an adult with it. a real adult. very irresponsible to basically try to incite violence. what s the po