Tots are taking part in the Big Schools Birdwatch and contributing to the world’s largest wildlife survey. The event which runs through January and February is run by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The Old Station Nursery in Faringdon has already taken part in some of the activities including making their own bird feeders to encourage wild birds to visit, so they could watch them using their handmade binoculars. And they took part in yoga sessions, positioning themselves into bird poses in order to learn the names of different types. Nicky Griffin, deputy nursery manager said: “The Big Schools Birdwatch provided a fantastic opportunity to teach the children about the wild birds that visit our garden. The children were able to learn about them in more detail, learning about about what they eat, listening to their song and learning their names.”
A NURSERY has helped the RSPB by contributing towards the world’s largest wildlife survey. The RSPB run the Big Schools Birdwatch each year in January and February to encourage children to conduct simple bird surveys. The Old Station Nursery Filkins near Carterton, took part in the RSPB birdwatch by making bird feeders to encourage the wild birds to visit, so that they could watch the birds using their handmade binoculars. The children also learnt the birds names in a yoga session by positioning themselves into different bird poses. Nicky Griffin, deputy nursery manager, said: “The Big Schools Birdwatch provided a fantastic opportunity to teach the children about the wild birds that visit our garden.