two warring camps, those on the left using the book to hail mark milley, those on the right practically calling him a tray traitor. the thing that is so bracing an nerve-racking and important about this book is what it reveals about how much worse it was than we knew. how much closer we came to real disaster than we have known before now. we all now learn every time one of these stories comes out how much closer to the brink we were than we understood and how much we owe people like general milley and others, the few remaining adults in charge at that point. there was an insurrection planned around that time in washington but it took place at the pentagon and its chief architect was general mark milley. if this is true, general milley would be a traitor to this country, if true he should be fired and tried for treason mead. i. immediately. now they re trashing general
it didn t last very long. why did everything, including the media coverage, become so polarizing after that moment of national celebration. because a that s who we are and, yes, it lasted for a while and one of the scenes at the end of the book is after the president announces to the nation, leon panetta leaves to get in his car to get home and he hears the crowd chanting, usa, usa, cia, cia, and he remembers all of the attacks on the cia over the years, domestically, and said that was the proudest moment of his career. but we move on. we seem incapable, i don t know, we seem incapable, howie, of focusing on what unites us and we seem to just want to pick the scab of the things that divide us. i think it s one of the saddest thing in our politics, in our media. howie: how much does the press contribute to that? those are the kind of things that excite the base and get ratings and clicks.
enforce rules for celebrities and journalists, calling it a breach of trust. another document admits that on facebook s instagram we make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls. the company says the paper cherry picked the findings for lopsided reporting of. piers morgan needed a next act after walking out on a british morning show over criticism of meghan markle. now he s siding signing with fox where he will do a show. he will write a column for the new york post and london sun. fox has bought the gossip outfit tmz. you know by now gavin newsom beat the california recall in a blowout and larry elder conceded. a national press assault helped the governor make the radio talk show host the issue and elder may have contributed when he
on anybody who they feel has is an election defire. i think that s moral denier. i think that s moral posturing. if the news is important enough, i m not going to say our viewers can t hear from them. howie: because they can t hear from them on any other subject. exact hi. howie: how do you deal with people who are anticipate anti-. i m not talking about the biden mandate, which is a legitimate subject, people who just say the vaccine doesn t work, isn t safe, people shouldn t take it, would you put somebody like that on the program? if that s one of many things they say and i want to talk to them about other things. would i have someone on the show to deny vaccinations? absolutely not. and i ve been really strong on this since covid first came out. this is about the science. i have not seen any credible information that would indicate that the vaccines are not a tremendous good, not saying
know if it s true or not. when obama makes the decision to launch the raid, he said it s no more than 50/50. you have the seals on the helicopter, they think it s a one way suicide mission and they ll end up dead. if you can transmit that, it seems to me that the biggest compliment somebody paid, i know how the story ends but i was on the edge of my seat the last 100 pages. howie: you had a top navy seal in the operation promised his mom he wouldn t get involved in any more risky efforts like this. he said i m sorry i made that promise to my mom, he s the one that killed bin laden we stayed in afghanistan another 10 years. that let to the debacle in recent weeks. that s a story that shouldn t go away. chris wallace, thank you for stopping by. thank you. howie: still to come, jimmy