Danny's view: The Opening Print Recap
Just after 9:00, a headline hit saying that President Joe Biden was renominating Jerome Powell for a second term as the
Danny's view: The Opening Print Recap
Just after 9:00, a headline hit saying that President Joe Biden was renominating Jerome Powell for a second term as the
president trump weighed in on this as presidents do. he tweeted. wow, matt lauer just fired from nb kr c in if anyone knows about that, it s donald j. trump. just about to spit out my coffee on the covar one. news flash, no one wants to see anything unclothed in the work place. we don t need to. good lesson for all the men out there. let s just start there and work go from there. 50 minutes past the hour. big reversal on wall street. some of the worst performing stocks. details on cnn money stream next. r whole lives around professional sports taking hits and catching our fair share of aches and pains. which is why we use blue-emu s pain relief products. blue-emu products; non-greasy, deep-penetrating formula that works down into your muscles and joints and works its magic.
his base, that aren t getting a lot of attention, frankly, in the wake of the bomb that was dropped yesterday. and david, to you, i mean, you know, he signed legislation yesterday. he signed legislation yesterday that lets states deny money to planned parenthood and other abortion providers. this is something he reverses, a last sort of minute change from the obama administration. this is a big, big reversal. now, i should note, federal money could already not go to funding abortions because of the hyde amendment, but this allows states not to fund any entity that does provide abortions. this is a big deal, david. it is a big deal and i think this plays to the idea that president trump, as maria said, doesn t stick to one core set of beliefs. back in his late 50s, in i think 1999, he was on meet the press and said that he was very pro-choice. when he campaigned for president, he was pro-life.
and intense task and his performance was nothing short of heroic. for and other reasons, larry was a real deal. tireless patriot. principle to the core. selflessly devoted to america and his duty. lawrence eagleburger was 80 years old and the only career foreign service officer to become secretary of state. kelly: well, many places throughout the country, and there is a huge victory for a texas high school valedictorian, winning the right to lead her classmate, friends, family at prayer at her graduation. earlier in week, a judge forbid it after the family of an agnostic student sued but angela hildenbrand fought back and won. peter doocy has the update. what happened out there? reporter: well, it s interesting. big reversal, but kelly, the valedictorian tonight wants to talk about the past and how far her classmates have come and how bright their futures look today. she wants to pray for her classmates in her remarks.