protect raise up and majorities in both the house and senate. republicans are scheming on how to take at least one of those chambers. taking advantage of these trends that tens of favor the opposition party in the midterms. but brand new polling, from nbc, finds democrats tied with republicans and congressional preference. driven in large part by voter disapproval over the reversal of roe versus wade. president biden s approval rating is at its highest mark in the year. and donald trump s approval rating is at its lowest mark in more than a year. still a red flag for democrats on polling showing that americans favor the party on abortion and health care, by giving republicans all-time high marks on the economy, crime, and immigration. the latter issue having been ghoulish really exploited, this week, by the gop governor of texas, florida, and arizona. they re forced relocation of hispanic migrants from red states to liberal cities, horrifying critics on the left while right