Oleh: Gede Sandra
Kebijakan anggaran pemerintah telah gagal fokus dalam penanganan pandemi. Baik dalam hal serapan anggaran, maupun dalam hal alokasi anggaran. Dalam paparan APBN Kita tanggal 21 Juli 2021, Kementerian Keuangan melaporkan realisasi Belanja Negara secara umum sudah mencapai 42,5 persen atau sebesar Rp 1.170 triliun.
Dari jumlah tersebut, anggaran untuk penanganan kesehatan hanya terealisasi 25,2 persen atau sebesar Rp 54,1 triliun (dari total rencana Rp 214,9 triliun).
Sangat tragis! Serapan anggaran pada sektor kesehatan, sektor yang paling harus didahulukan saat ini, malah paling rendah di antara sektor lainnya di bawah anggaran PEN. Di bawah program PEN, realisasi anggaran Insentif Usaha sudah 71 persen (Rp 45 triliun), anggaran Program Prioritas 37 persen (Rp 44,4 triliun), anggaran Perlindungan Sosial 43% (Rp 82 triliun), dan anggaran Dukungan UMKM dan Korporasi 37,7 persen (Rp 44,4 triliun).
reputation there. we ll get aid and we wanted a meeting with all of the characters to get it done. i any there was one last point on this. here you go. big policy. see now why chairman schiff wanted to put them as a here, do this. you ll get two pieces of transcript from this. and getting them out there. he was the special envoy. i think you ll tell the story is the one part, laurie annual exactly what happened. it go the worked out without
dana: elizabeth warren taking aim at big tech companies saying tech giants like baseball and amazon need to be broken up. warren writes they have too much power over our economy, society and democracy. fox business networks deidre pwol ton joining me. big policy. she s going for it. she s not only criticizing big tech, but saying here is how, with a play book to break them up. there s three key components. she wants them to undo mergers. so i m going to read quickly from a campaign e-mail. we break facebook away from what s app. google. that s part one. and she wants to bring regulators in to break these up and oversee the breakup.
that s tough to see. no cause for the fainting spell given. his chief of staff said it was hot and crowded. he was checked by emts and allowed to go home. local reporters noted he was joking with the emts and is at home with his children. he is said to be fine now. that is cause for concern. 46 minutes past the hour. let s see what is coming up on new day. chris cuomo is with us. hope he gets all of the tests he needs. christine, you look great this morning. john. so president trump repeating the false claim that fraud caused the vote. there is no proof to this. we will leave it to you to play with. big policy moves gone on. showing the direction the
should be in that position. and they border on demeanted, according to another one. hhs tom price, house conservative who has been trying to get rid of obamacare for years. hud, then carson, obviously someone who is a small government guy, not one to be in favor of some of the programs hud is known for. how about jeff sessions? he helped write trump s immigration plan. then there is betsy voss, conservative activist, no big fan of public schoolteacher unions and is a big fan of school vouchers. bottom line is you add it all up and it s pretty clear who is guiding, managing and influencing trump, at least in those positions, at least positions on policy. this gets tie bigger question.