we re not here to discuss i humanity, that is religion s sphere of operations. and what of morality? i think it s such a good performance. so the film looks at his life, in wartime, after the war in which he surrounded by others and later on his marriage. in later years he s played by peter capaldi. and by the time he s played by peter capoldi he s basically become very, very embittered and you know, feelings of failure and desolation. and what s interesting about the film is, i think that terrence davies has found in the life of siegfried sassoon a number of elements that chime with his own preconceptions. there is a story about a character who is conflicted about his sexuality, and that is something in which terrence davies has addressed indirectly in his films before. there s the issue of religion. siegfried converted to catholicism later in life and terrence davies kind of famously turned his back on the church after feeling abandoned by it. and so what you have is an art
supernatural because for a long part of the film you not sure if it s happening, you not sure whether they are just imagining all of this. and there is cruelty, there is cruelty in childhood and there is a couple of passages in this, in which that cruelty is in the film. what i thought was really well done about it however, the atmosphere of it makes. you re mesmerized watching it, terrific performances by the young cast, incidentally. because they are all playing it completely believably, it s not some great big overblown shrieky melodrama. what it is is a low key story about kids discovering the world that happens to be amped up by the fact that they have this borderline supernatural power. i mean, there s an argument about telekinesis but. i was really, really engrossed. not least because i spent a lot of the film thinking, where is this going, how dark is this gonna get,
you re mesmerized watching it, terrific performances by the young cast, incidentally. because they are all playing it completely believably, it s not some great big overblown shrieky melodrama. what it is is a low key story about kids discovering the world that happens to be amped up by the fact that they have this borderline supernatural power. i mean, there s an argument about telekinesis but. i was really, really engrossed. not least because i spent a lot of the film thinking, where is this going, how dark is this gonna get, what s it going to turn into? and the director kept me guessing all the way through. and the kids performances were really good. it s kind of heartbreaking as well. but it s chilling, and the director was asked, is it a horrorfilm and they said well, i love horror and so if they say they are frightened by it that i take that as a compliment. i m a huge horrorfan so i liked it very much.