doctor. these flex cuffs right here, about 150 pounds each. there have been many occasions inmates have popped these handcuffs right off of this thing. another primary concern for staff is keeping watch over suicidal inmates. basically in the cell is the sink, the toilet. everything you see that is graded. so that they can t use any type of material, clothing or any garment to hang themselves from. the psych population, they re not allowed to have shoestrings, because shoestrings can be used as a tool for them to hurt themselves. this is a safety garment right here. this material, basically you can t rip this material so they can t use it like a sheet or blanket to rip easily. basically it s a poncho, big old poncho that goes on them. that s it. no pillow, no blanket, no sheet, no mattress. it s all about precaution. in addition to the mentally ill, there are other at-risk inmates, including the elderly who are housed on a separate floor.
sink, the toilet. everything you see that is graded. so that they can t use any type of material, clothing or any garment to hang themselves from. the psych population, they re not allowed to have shoestrings, because shoestrings can be used as a tool for them to hurt themselves. this is a safety garment right here. this material, basically you can t rip this material so they can t use it like a sheet or blanket to rip easily. basically it s a poncho, big old poncho that goes on them. that s it. no pillow, no blanket, no sheet, no mattress. it s all about precaution. in addition to the mentally ill, there are other at-risk inmates, including the elderly who are housed on a separate floor. good afternoon, gentlemen. good afternoon. any problems in the cells? no, ma am. officer drane is one of the staff members assigned to supervise the older inmates. well, basically, what i do when i get up here is i do a perimeter check to make sure all the inmates are awake and alive
as a tool for them to hurt themselves. this is a safety garment right here. this material, basically you can t rip this material so they can t use it like a sheet or blanket to rip easily. basically it s a poncho, big old poncho that goes on them. that s it. no pillow, no blanket, no sheet, no mattress. it s all about precaution. in addition to the mentally ill, there are other at-risk inmates, including the elderly who are housed on a separate floor. good afternoon, gentlemen. good afternoon. any problems in the cells? no, ma am. officer drane is one of the staff members assigned to supervise the older inmates. well, basically, what i do when i get up here is i do a perimeter check to make sure all the inmates are awake and alive and breathing, and then do head count. if they need anything pertaining to a policy, like if they need to know when their court date is, i ll look it up for them.
about 150 pounds each. there have been many occasions inmates have popped these handcuffs right off of this thing. another primary concern for staff is keeping watch over suicidal inmates. basically in the cell is the sink, the toilet. everything you see that is graded. so that they can t use any type of material, clothing or any garment to hang themselves from. the psych population, they re not allowed to have shoestrings, because shoestrings can be used as a tool for them to hurt themselves. this is a safety garment right here. this material, basically you can t rip this material so they can t use it like a sheet or blanket to rip easily. basically it s a poncho, big old poncho that goes on them. that s it. no pillow, no blanket, no sheet, no mattress. it s all about precaution. in addition to the mentally ill, there are other at-risk inmates, including the elderly who are housed on a separate floor. good afternoon, gentlemen. good afternoon.
inmates have popped these handcuffs right off of this thing. another primary concern for staff is keeping watch over suicidal inmates. basically in the cell is the sink, the toilet. everything you see that is graded. so that they can t use any type of material, clothing or any garment to hang themselves from. the psych population, they re not allowed to have shoestrings, because shoestrings can be used as a tool for them to hurt themselves. this is a safety garment right here. this material, basically you can t rip this material so they can t use it like a sheet or blanket to rip easily. basically it s a poncho, big old poncho that goes on them. that s it. no pillow, no blanket, no sheet, no mattress. it s all about precaution. in addition to the mentally ill, there are other at-risk inmates, including the elderly who are housed on a separate floor. good afternoon, gentlemen. good afternoon. any problems in the cells? no, ma am.