by Todd Smith / December 14th, 2020
The mosquitoes were getting bothersome. Opening line of the last paragraph of Chapter 5 in
Pnin, a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, 1953
Well, the weather report is in, as we transition from Trump’s Titanic to Joe Biden’s Adventure, and it looks like we’re all in for a “dark winter” of the long knives; so, hopefully, there are no Towering Infernos in the forecast as well! In the journo-world, certainly, the knives are already out…
Today, swarms of Corporate Media “self-limiting mosquitoes” are rejoicing in their small buzzing ways over the self-banishment of that notorious gadfly Glenn Greenwald from the Kingdom of Left-Liberal-“Woke!” orthodoxical rectitude. Many of that Kingdom’s practitioners took note of Greenwald’s departure from