but he s saying it implicitly, and democrats are saying, how can you do that when everything you stand for is up for grabs now in the supreme court? and, you know, but this is just one person s decision. he s 82 years old, which is not the new anything. and he s in good health as far as we know, but 82 is still 82. there s a democratic majority, barely, in the current u.s. senate. if historical trends continue, it will not be last for more than, you know, until the midterm elections. you know, patrick laehy is in his 80s, not in the best health. if he leaves even before the midterms, a republican governor in vermont could appoint his successor. so, you know, the window for breyer to leave under a democratic senate may be very short, but it s all up to him. no one s going to tell him what to do. in our remaining seconds, what should we expect for the end of this supreme court term? big obamacare decision, yet
argument this was the most consequential week of the obama presidency. a big back from the ashes win on trade. another legacy item from the supreme court. you know, that big obamacare decision. after more than 50 votes in congress to repeal or weaken this law, after a presidential election based in part on preserving or repealing this law, after multiple challenges to this law before the supreme court, the affordable care act is here to stay. a day later the landmark protection for same-sex marriage. we can say, in no uncertain terms, that we ve made our union a little more perfect. plus a moving eulogy and a call to arms in charleston. removing the flag from this state s capital would not be an act of political correctness. it would not be an insult to the valor of confederate soldiers.