At least 2,478 women died due to childbirth in the Philippines in 2021, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Philippines said Sunday, expressing concern about the rising number of maternal deaths in the South-East Asian country.
The value of Vietnamese profitable seafood exports slumped 28 per cent in April from a year earlier to US$810 million due to weakening demand from key markets, Dai Bieu Nhan Dan newspaper reported on Saturday.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports many countries are not making progress quickly enough to eradicate child marriage practices in the coming decades, especially as recent crises such as Covid-19 threaten to reverse years of marginal improvements.
neither side is giving. the substance of what the house passed last week is not what you would pass if your goal was to reach an agreement across the aisle. it was very extreme. they say they are freezing spending. when you do the math, if you freeze the overall level of spending, but you don t cut defense and veterans, you are cutting everything else by a third. that s not a small decision. that means for a student on grants, losing $1,000. these are big, big numbers. you add to that putting work requirements on food stamps and medicaid, repealing the principal accomplishment of the first two years on global climate change, you think about that against what raising the debt ceiling is. raising the debt ceiling is paying the bills for everything you have done, including the tax