. president trump: never been done before. ndustry away from north korea. never been done before never been done. the banking industry away from north korea. that s s based on relationship. relationship is very good. but we re dealing with somebody that we ll figure out. he may be smart, he may be strategic and he may be totally crazy. but you know what? noe matter what he is, we re gonna handle it folks, believe me, we re gonna handle it. [ cheers ] . me. we are going to handle it. . president trump: the foundation for progress begins at home with a government that protects and defends our citizens. that s what we have to do. that is why i m here tonight to ask the good people of alabama to send luther strange to the united states senate so he can defend your interests, fight for your values and always put america first. go out and get out the vote.
[ cheers ] president trump: thank you. thank you. [ cheers ] thank you. . president trump: on tuesday we re going to send a real fighter and a real good guy from alabama to the united states senate on a permanent basis. [ cheers ] president trump: we have another great person in our audience tonight, richard shelby. where is richard? where is he? [ cheers ] president trump: richard. where is richard? thank you richard. stand up so they can see you, richard. fantastic, thank you richard. respected man, i will tell you. he s respected and loved in the senate. he s only been there for, what, 34 years or something like that right? but he loves the people of alabama, too. and like all of you, luther strange knows the true source of
this country. those are the values that made this country great. those are the values. i understand those values. i understand those but as you know, these values have been under attack for many years in washington. and that s why we need a person like luther strange. we need him. you ve got to get out and vote. . [ cheers ] . president trump: you know i think if everybody in this room gets out and votes, luther, youa win, easily. [ cheers ] . president trump: you ve got to voechlt just get out and vote. got to get out and vote. vote. got to get out and v so luther it is not in washington to serve the special interests like a lot of people, even the way he handled that thing with me, he didn t ask me, you ve got to do this and that.
and maybe most importantly he shares our agenda. remember he s gonna win the race. [ cheers ] . president trump: he s gonna win the race. and i m not talking here, i m talking against the democrat which starts very quickly. but it s why we need each and every one of you to get a friend, to go out, get a family member, get the whole family, and bring them out to vote for , big luther strange. got to vote for him. big luther. luther. luther and i and everyone in this arena tonight are unified by the same great american values. we are proud of our country. we respect our flag. luther and i and everyone in
they didn t have s clue. they got outs of the harvard school of something and they would write about a wall. let me just tell you, the best guys for telling you what to do are the border patrol, ice, these are the guys that know. and you know what it costs? it costs nothing. nothing. we get it for free. and they re happy to do it. i was with them two weeks ago. they re happy to do it. it s really great. it s going to be a really important element to making america great again, like your hat. [ cheers ] . in, like you have. when it comes to reforming washington, and taking on the bureaucra bureaucracy, i m telling you, because he s tough as hell, luther it is your man, he wants to end business as usual, stop the insider dealing, and luther strange is determined to drain that swamp. swamp.