gotten better. lawrence: really? lawrence: you can design an entire set with legos. carley: because of inflation there was a new york post article that said toys are getting smaller. they re getting smaller because the toy manufacturers are trying to save on plastic because everything is so expensive. steve: we had the guy from i want to say and see a toy company in los angeles and he was joining us last year they had i think ten or 20 toys under $10. this year they have 200 because so many people are on a budget. not only are you shopping today we were also traveling today. the day after you had a great big meal. if you are headed to the air airport, and your mom or some loved one has packed up a bunch of cranberry sauce or something like that and you are wondering will this be allowed by the tsa,
Teenager pulls over to save a little animal whose head is caught in a cup. She didn't believe her son, Becky Ball when he stated he wanted to stop the automobile.