On fox FrIends Weekend startIng wIth thIs. The wIdow of Fallen Nypd OffIcer Jonathan DIller InnIng us for her fIrst Tv IntervIew sInce her husband was kIlled In the lIne of duty. Im not a polItIcIan but I can only be put my crIes out there, tell my story, tell my husbands story, you know, beg them not to let It happen to anybody else. Her powerful message as the tonerttunnel to you towers 5k ks off thIs hour. Rachel data reveals Tens Of Thousands of vIolent crImInals are roamIng free around the country. We have detaIls later. Remember when tIm walz saId thIs. I took the football back from them too, by the way. Just So we know. But It seems republIcans are stIll the Football Party as trump gets a a warm welcome at E Alabama GeorgIa game. Walz got a slIghtly dIfferent receptIon. The fInal hour of fox FrIends Weekend starts rIght now. Good mornIng, welcome to Fox FrIendss fourth fInal hour, here. ThIngs have gotten worse. Breakfast Is now on the table. Its behInden behInd the Fours Flower
had a couple of himself, but through treatment with hyperbaric chamber therapy, he feels today like a new man. we spoke with him about that as well as his prestigious career. i am a big jets fan, i lived right near where you guys trained at hofstra on long island. back then, it seems to me, that it was much more dangerous to be a quarterback than it is today. bill, it was. anyone that was inda the hole or the pocket was going to get hurt because we didn t have the kind of protection may have today. the game has improved in that category. i think we are trying to protect all of the players more so thana yesteryear. it s big money with these quarterbacks. back then, guys like ben davidson, they wanted to rip your head off and kill you, am i wrong? god rest his soul, he had the al davis had the theory with the oakland raiders and didn t mind talking about it. they smash you as hard as they could smash you, then, they say something nasty to you. what they said to us, we said ri
i am bello riley. head injuries in the national football league. football legend joe namath has had a couple of himself, but through treatment with hyperbaric chamber therapy, he feels today like a new man. we spoke with him about that as well as his prestigious career. i am a big jets fan, i lived right near where you guys trained at hofstra. on long island. back then, it seems to me, that it was much more dangerous to be a quarterback. then it is today. bill, it was. anyone that was in the hole or the pocket was going to get hurt because we didn t have the kind of protection may have today. the game has improved in that category. i think we are trying to protect all of the players more so than yesteryear. is big money with these quarterbacks. back then, guys like ben david said, they wanted to rip your head off and kill you, am i wrong? god wrap his soul, he had the theory with the oakland raiders, i m talking about it. they smash you as hard as they could smash you, then