catfished him the guy who was supposedly behind this whole hoax was at a notre dame game and i get that that guy approached him or took pictures with him somehow and also he says that then the way he was catfished is that the imaginary girlfriend friended him on facebook. friended him on facebook and started up a relationship. tucker: hope this is a learning experience for him. he grows up and meets imaginary wife and has imaginary kids and kind of moves on. clayton: that s right. catfish. if you have not seen the movie, it s pretty darn good. it s very like alfred hitchcocky in its approach. and i guarantee you over the weekend you will see that be a top rental choice. tucker: i m trying to be open-minded and nonjudgmental. i m 43. this is obviously not my generation. you don t have a relationship with someone you have never met before. it s not actually real relationship if you re just texting.
i didn t meet. and that alone people find out that this girl who died that i was so invested in and i didn t meet her as well. so i kind of tailored my stories to have people think that, yeah, he met her before she passed away. i wasn t faking it. i wasn t part of this. when people hear the facts, they will know, they will know there was no way i could be a part of this. what you hear in that sort of weird statement there, and here is a photo of his sitdown with jeremy shap. oit to tailor his parents that she died. alisyn: he told his parents he met her. he knew it would arouse suspicion that he had never met her. tucker: he was embarrassed. it s possible you get the sense from people who hear him is he a big hearted sweet kind of naive maybe not a super