loft concern that the employees of the company, whether you bought it initially when it was offered or you want to buy it and you might buy it at this low price, that they ll have the opportunity to sell off coming up in stages, but a lot of shares could hit the market. should they be concerned if people own facebook? this is a very common problem with the start-ups. so the company came up with a a little bit over 400 million new shares to the market. there is almost another 300 million coming due that are going to be freed up and sold in the next 30 days or so. after that is another 200 million and then in november, 1.2 billion shares are going to be available to be sold. that doesn t mean people are going to go and sell them. but they might. big flood of shares could the market. jamie: would you be a buyer of those shares? we were very fortunate. we personally and as a company we didn t buy one single share. but we were looking at not so much the valuation of the company, but