for birth control pill is $5 a month and planned parenthood is free or cheap. condoms are fairly cheap. i looked it up online, i didn t know. they are inexpensive. you can get them online for about 50 cents a piece or anyba bar? sean: there is the rest of the country. new york give its out in bars. yeah, they do. there is a big fish bowl before you go to the men s room and in the ladies room. sean: free? free. sean: in a bar? many bars. sean: i have not been in a bar for a long time, obviously. sean nmoments like this, i ask myself, what would matlock do? guto college to get a phd, you don t go to school to get an atd. look, if you want to go out and have sex, god bless you, this is a free country sean: you can t tell liberals how to live. sean! don t use my tax dollars to do it. first of all, nobody s
you can get them online for about 50 cents a piece or anyba bar? sean: there is the rest of the country. new york give its out in bars. yeah, they do. there is a big fish bowl before you go to the men s room and in the ladies room. sean: free? free. sean: in a bar? many bars. sean: i have not been in a bar for a long time, obviously. sean nmoments like this, i ask myself, what would matlock do? guto college to get a phd, you don t go to school to get an atd. look, if you want to go out and have sex, god bless you, this is a free country sean: you can t tell liberals how to live. sean! don t use my tax dollars to do it. first of all, nobody s talking about your tax dollars, we are talking about whether health insurance should cover contraception. they reduce abortions. you are pro-life, i am pro-choice.
attorney lo cal here in orland. what happened this morning and what happened? i will never speculate as to what happened. it would be as benign as a witness not being able to testify all day. i don t think it was anything major. because we are in this big fish bowl and we are watching it like crazy. these kinds of things happen every single day in every courtroom. i do agree with her in this case and in this case, you know, the speculations of plea negotiations and all this thing is not going to happen. there is no way the defense pleads the case out at this point. snoo it is the defens dewhod not plead the case. what say you? i think that given the fact that the discussions were all sealed that is a little bit rare. ordinarily this kind of thing occurs inside the courtroom in full view of the public and there could very well be a plea