you housing market? that s the flip side. e-mac, explain this one. yes, it s bad because look, about 11 to 12 million homes are in negative equity. meaning that s 25% of all mortgages out there that are tipping, and there s he a basically a big fat inventory of homes set to be defaulting or delinquent. i propose a new green job program, rehab and refurbish dilapidated old homes and that s how air going to get job creation in this country because we have a problem of suburban poverty right now from these derelict homes that are not being taken care of. morgan, are we supposed to get depressed about good numbers. no, i don t think we are. going back to e-mac s point, good news it s happening in the private sector the one fueling that, but i actually feel we need to put the construction numbers into perspective for a second. even though they ve come up and the highest that we ve seen since 2008, they re still 70% off the 2006 peak and they re still almost 60% down from healthy leve