these a traded deals favorite americans. he says stop spring america and favoring other countries. harris: he didn t say that. yes, harris, for the first time in 14 years or so, i talked it to the senators in the members of congress into the dairy producing states. they are thrilled. harris: so that gives you the leverage that you come back and say we are doing some things on this. i only have a couple seconds left, but i have to ask about this because this was a big development with obamacare and if the president to still thinks he can move the ball on that. you have more and more people historically now, and rolling and obamacare this week. but you also have over 25 million who don t have health insurance. we were told everyone was going to have it. we were delighted to. look at all of the billion harris: why do you think people are signing up? they are being scared that they want to be covered.