never worked a real job in his life. a trust fund brad with the most radical positions. john fetterman, sadly fund brat, john fet struggling even more on the campaign trail.. it s getting. it s gone from bad to worse. ser om bad to arand it s getting ha. we ll play the tape. also, we have an exclusive interview with congressman mac gates as career prosecutorare rm is now reportedly recommending chargow conin the investin and that has now consumed his life for almost twfeo years.t wh but first tonight, which is forty six days until, well the critical, well, inflection point midterm elections. point midterm elections, i want to take a i just want to take a stepy out back and lay out exactly what is at stake, because as i ve been trying to say, this mayimp be the most important and consequential midtermn midtn election of our lifetime. and it is critical thatcritical republicans be very clear withel you, the american people,e what beliwhat they believe and why they believe it an
the nfl sunday on fox football, super bowl. fifty seven when you can t watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. all right. big develop and a big development tonight in the pennsylvania senate race where republican nominee dr. ozo has released his medicalim records after calls for both him and his opponent. the guy in the hat with thet hoe tattoos, the hoodie, the trust fund brad that never had a job, john fetterman to do the same, e veterans hometown newspaper asking for this. now, ozz release hometown newspapd doctor s letters dating back to twenty, overteen and even andating of hs heart activity. overall, dr. oz has beendr deemd to be in excellent health.u can and you can contrast that with john pediments stilljo recovering from a major stroke, recently had a pacemaker implante. pacemakd. and by the way, as lieutenantt governor of pennsylvania, fetterman has two jobsvernor ofe