profile hearing pushed off a little bit longer. the intelligence committee just announced the president s former lawyer will not testify friday as planned. instead michael cohen will appear behind closed doors on february 28th. by the way, while the president is overseas at that second summit with kim jong-un. joining us now elliot williams, and also betsy woodruff and aaron blake. elliot, this week is a week. a lot going on. this is really the first big example of democrats flexing their muscles, doing some oversight in a big way. you ve got today, the three things we new englanded. the white house intel votes on releasing the transcripts to mueller. a hearing on gun violence and climate change. tomorrow energy and commerce discussion on family separations. and also net neutrality an under the radar big deal thing. the ways and means hearing on
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that was not unexpected. that was the guidance we d been getting from our white house sources. it came to fruition. fine, he s leaving it on the table until february 15th. you heard nancy pelosi reference it. he talked about it was interesting. she started her comments by mentioning some of the areas where they can find bipartisan compromise. for example, on infrastructure, on trade, on the hiv aids initiative. he talked about the childhood cancer kind of moon shoot, doing research and lowering prescription drug prices. nobody wants those higher. here s the thing. we have seen some of these pieces come up before. i m old enough to remember the first infrastructure week of the trump administration. yeah. exactly. how many infrastructure weeks have we had? you ve been there for all of them. do you think this changes things? this never seems to we never seem to get there. and it really depends entirely on the president. obviously there are things that
kneeling. that became a viral moment. i think the policy piece is we don t know that. still questionable. one thing about beto that i ve heard just talking to a number of ted cruz allies in texas is they believe they didn t fully vet him during the senate race. he has not been as thoroughly vetted as candidates like elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. warren has been in the sights of the conservative movement for years and years. bernie sanders went up against the clinton machine that was effective at finding damaging information about him. beto has not been through that. he s seen as more of a black box when it comes to what might emerge. speaking of warren. your colleagues at the earth unearthed her texas bar registration. it was filled out in the eigh80. she identifies her race as american indian. she told the post she is sorry for furthering confusion on tribal sovereignty.
it s a thrill to have you both on the show. thank you. i wish you were with me in person. so do we. let me start with this discussion of what the president said in what you could call a line where he paused for applause that never came. it related to the russia investigation. i want to play for you first that sound bite of the president talking about the idea of revenge. let s play that and i want to chat about it. we must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution, and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good. an economic miracle is taking place in the united states, and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan