Big Deal Cleaner Air Rule; Year-Round Sales Of E15 Nixed by U.S. Appeal Court Because Of Big Oil Pleading Unleaded 88 AKA E15 Too Good For American Drivers?
Farm and biofuel groups say they will appeal the decision.
NEW YORK The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit last week struck down a Trump-era rule that allowed for year-round sales of E15, saying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exceeded its authority by lifting summertime restrictions on the sale of E15, reports Reuters.
Washington July 6, 2021; The NACSonline reported that in 2019, the EPA extended a waiver permitting 15% ethanol fuel blend to be sold all year. According to the court, the EPA exceeded its authority in that rule when it said E15 qualified for an emissions waiver for E10, fuel blends “containing” 10% ethanol. The court said that statutory language was clearly intended for 10% ethanol gasoline, reports