glube. that s very punny. yes, it is. ainsley: you wait when it line forever and run in and see it run in and it s teeny tiny. steve: however, not created with a hockey stick. ainsley: no. brian: am i the only one that didn t like the mona lisa? jillian: it was very small. ainsley: we watched it like it was a movie. brian: bernie sanders is officially back in the race. it? is time to complete that revolution and implement the vision that we fought for. brian: so is the president feeling the bern? kind of? we will show you next. steve: couple of whales make a big splash next to a group of unsuspecting paddle boardeboarders. oh my god.
daughter is working from home she is telecommuting. brian: this feels like our home so we feel like we are working from home, too. steve: that s right. brian: bernie sanders says welcome me back into this race. only difference i plan on winning it only thing different many other people and to his credit taking up his believe that everything should be paid for. free preschool we heard elizabeth warren talking about that raising taxes. single payer healthcare. medicare for all. we hear kamala harris say get rid of private insurance. let s just have single pair. everybody is taking a little bit of bernie sanders. cory booker wants to give you money for being born. this is the bernie sanders formula for success. ainsley: we were all reacting to it yesterday. the president reacted as well. listen to this. >personally i think he missed his time. i wish bernie well. it will be interesting to see how he does. i think what happened to bernie maybe was not so nice.
solar power project that as you said is literally half the size of manhattan and they want to dump it on a rural virginia town. and you are sitting in the studio right now in manhattan. i don t need to tell you how large manhattan is. you navigate it every single day. and it obviously these people have some concerns. if this goes through, this is going to be the largest solar power project off the east coast and largest in the world. they have a number of concerns about this. steve: let me read the line from the op-ed. so it s official big government liberals have made green into a one word oxymoron, any claim by these green dealers feigning concern about the environment is bogus, their bluff has been called. i see in the op-ed it says a group of residents in your neck of the woods is worried that electricity price could say actually go up which flies in the face of, wait a minute, it s renewable, it s just the sun. you would think it would be cheaper. well, you would. and that s not
unable to tell the truth three times to the inspector general. he doesn t steam remember about an insurance plan when he went with peter strzok and ladies and gentlemen. he remembers exactly his interactions with the president. watch. do you still believe the president could be a russian asset? i think it s possible. i think that s why we started our investigation. is there anything in the last year that makes you less suspicious of the president? no. [laughter] did i answer too quickly? no. he said that conversation about the 25th amendment did not represent a potential coup. he said it was not very coupe, that conversation. steve: he also didn t put it in his book. something everybody was talking about was not actually put into the book. keep in mind, the inspector general, the guy who looxz over the entire department of justice, he is the guy who said you have got to 2350eur this guy because he broke all the rules. trey gowdy former chairman of the house oversight co
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